Tuesday, July 29, 2008

wat guy annoying !!!

* they act like very handsome but they are not
* they ack like very mature but they are not
* they thought they can do anything
* they think that they very smart
* they are perverb
* arragant
* wants to attract others attention
* they are childish exp :play voleyball ,rugby ,baseball ,golf ,gang "bang"
* flirt with other girls when guy in a relationship
* promise breaker ,never fulfilled their promise
* get jealous easily
* take girl granted
* thjink that they know what is in girl's mind
* unhygienic
* irresponsible ,always joke around
* talkative
* wear drop pants but actually wants to show his nice and branded underwear
* love to gel hair like durian ,but gel till so ugly
* keep porn in cell phone but don't admit
* like to steal girls panties and bra
* very enotional
* bad breath
* act very gentlement in front of girl friend but actually a monster in class
* big appitite
* act like big boss
* stingy
* like to throw rubbish behind the window
* don't like to apologize
* always put fragrance on their body
* think they are attractive
* like to deny the truth

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